Striving for excellence
Everyone deserves a good life; a life enriched by all senses, stimulated by sounds, textures, sights, tastes and scents. EARplus is an established, expert company in the hearing aid field, helping thousands of loyal customers to improve their quality of life and to enhance their communication skills in interpersonal relationships. Our goal is achieved by offering up-to-date expertise, excellent quality of services, access to an extended retail store network, and reliable after sales support.

Research & Development
Technology in the hands of great audiologists is transformational.
EARplus customers will enjoy the excellent fit that laser technology has to offer, based on the highest standards of hearing’ manufacturers. Forget about the traditional and outdated, by global standards, manual way of creating hearing aids and earmoulds is in the past. The new and most advanced way of manufacturing is done in three stages. Scanning, Design, Laser printing. Using laser technology we achieve better fit, smaller size of hearing aid and improved design.